Wuling Cortez
Wuling Cortez Rp 299,3 Juta
Dp Rp 76,82 Juta Angsuran : Rp 7,22 Juta x 36
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Video Wuling Cortez

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15 video Wuling Cortez yang tersedia

Video Cortez

Wuling New Cortez : Harga Tembus 300juta, Ini Ubahannya | First Impression
24 Mar, 2022
GIIAS 2021 | Wuling GSEV | Siap Dipasarkan Tahun Depan!
06 Dec, 2021
Wuling Cortez CT vs Toyota Venturer | Review | Pilih yang Mana? | OTO com
14 Aug, 2019
Wuling Cortez | Perbedaan Setiap Variannya | Review | OTO.com
02 May, 2019
Wuling Cortez CT & Confero S ACT | IIMS 2019 | Ini Dia Harganya! | OTO.com
26 Apr, 2019
Wuling Cortez CT 2019 | First Drive | Turbo dan CVT, Tambah Sensasi? | OTO.com
25 Apr, 2019
Wuling Cortez 1.5 VS Suzuki Ertiga 2018 | Review | Mana Yang Cocok Untuk Anda? | OTO.com
11 May, 2018
Wuling Cortez 1.5 | Review | Perbedaan Tipe C dan S | IIMS 2018 | OTO.com
28 Apr, 2018
Wuling Cortez 1.5 | First Impression | IIMS 2018 | OTO.com
20 Apr, 2018
Wuling Cortez | Review | Bagus mana dengan Mitsubishi Xpander dan MPV lain? I OTO.Com
03 Apr, 2018
Wuling Cortez 1.8 2018 | First Drive | Apa Kelebihan dan kekurangannya? | OTO.com
19 Mar, 2018
1st Impression Wuling Cortez I OTO.com
14 Feb, 2018
Wuling Cortez Resmi Meluncur I OTO.com
09 Feb, 2018
Wuling Cortez Meluncur Besok I OTO com
07 Feb, 2018
Wuling Cortez Diperkenalkan, Meluncur Kuartal Pertama 2018 I OTO com
19 Dec, 2017

Gambar Eksterior

Gambar Eksterior Cortez
Tampak Depan Bawah Wuling Cortez
Tampak Depan Bawah
Tampak depan Cortez, sudut rendah
Tampak depan sudut rendah

Gambar Interior

Gambar Interior Cortez
Setir Wuling Cortez
Tombol start-stop mesin Wuling Fronte
Tombol start-stop mesin
Tachometer Cortez
konsol tengah Cortez
konsol tengah
Pengatur kursi Wuling Cortez
Pengatur kursi
Cup holder Cortez
Cup holder (Front)
Sunroof Wuling Cortez
Tampak airbag Wuling Cortez
Tampak airbag
Wuling Cortez Front Ac Controls
Front Ac Controls

Warna Wuling Cortez

Warna Wuling Cortez
Wuling Cortez Dazzling Silver
Dazzling Silver
Wuling Cortez Pristine White
Pristine White
Wuling Cortez Starry Black
Starry Black
Wuling Cortez Aurora Silver
Aurora Silver

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  • MPV
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  • 7 Kursi
  • 1000 cc to 2000 cc
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Mobil 1000 cc to 2000 cc
Super Irit !

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