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Electric Bikes Bringing REVolution To Indonesia

Electric Bikes in Indonesia are revolutionizing transportation with low emissions and remarkable energy efficiency.

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electric Bikes in Indonesia

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Misconceptions About Electric Vehicles

Why The Automotive Future Is Electric

Electric bikes run on electricity that is stored in the batteries which makes them quieter and more eco-friendly compared to their ICE (internal combustion engine counterparts. Here are some of its key features

Low Running Cost

Electric motorcycles cost more than regular motorcycles, however, they have the added advantage of low running and maintenance cost. Also, factors like longer battery life and green tax credits make them cost-effective.

Smooth & Silent Ride

Electric motorcycles provide the rider a smooth and silent driving experience, thus making them very easy and fun to ride. All thanks to the e-motor with fewer moving parts compared to the conventional motorcycles. Also, e-motorcycles do not have any gears which the rider has to worry about. They have a lower center of gravity which ensures better handling, responsiveness, and comfort.

Modern-Day Tech

When it comes to the latest tech and features, the electric motorcycle market adopts them enthusiastically with enthusiasm. So, riders can find the latest technological trends like seamless connectivity, AI-powered health checks, powerful batteries, smart grids, and more, on their ride.

Good For The Environment

By choosing to purchase an electric motorcycle, the buyers do their part to save and be gentle on the planet earth. Unlike conventional motorcycles, electric units run on 100% renewable energy and emit no exhaust fumes and greenhouse gasses.

Convenience Of Charging

With no need for fueling, electric motorcycles are super easy on the pocket. The owner just needs to plug the unit to the power socket and in just a few hours it would be good to go. While it might take longer compared to gas refueling, with some basic pre-planning one will be able to mitigate the impact.

Low Maintenance Cost

Electric motorcycles might be an expensive purchase, however, their overall cost of maintenance and service is low compared to its ICE counterpart. Why? Electric motorcycles feature fewer components, thus no need for regular oiling of parts, also the chances of wear and tear is less.

Little Heavy On Pocket

Electric motorcycles are a little heavy on the pocket compared to fuel-run counterparts. However, with rising market demand their price will go down eventually.

EV Charging Infrastructure

There has been an increased focus by the government on enabling working charging stations throughout the country. This will have the dual benefit of increased access to charging infrastructure and enabling daytime charging.

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Good And Bad Things About EV

  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • No Carbon Footprint

    Electric motorcycles emit zero carbon and other greenhouse gasses, making them an eco-friendly mode of transport.

  • Low Cost Of Ownership And Easy Maintenance

    With limited moving parts electric motorcycles do not require much maintenance, also not many components require replacement when used over a period of time.

  • Applauding Performance

    Electric motors react much quicker compared to mechanical engines, thus offering more agility and torque. Also, electric motorcycles are quieter than ICE-powered units which calls for a more relaxed ride and less noise pollution.

  • Government Subsidies

    Lots of states encourage riders to go green by offering all kinds of rebates and tax incentives.

  • Need For Charging Network

    EV charging infrastructure is still in the early stages in our country and so it might be difficult to recharge the motorcycle outside home, especially when traveling through rural areas and on long-distance trips.

  • Limited Range

    Motorcycles running on conventional engine setup offer more driving range than its electric counterpart which is a major issue especially on long-distance trips.

  • Charging Takes Time

    Charging an electric motorcycle takes more time then refueling an ICE vehicle. While it takes just 5 minutes to re-fuel a conventional bike, even with the fastest charging station a minimum 30 minutes time is required to charge an e-bike.

  • Battery Replacement Expense

    An electric motorcycle’s battery pack would not require more than one replacement in the vehicle's lifetime; however, if and when the need arises it will be quite an expensive affair.

EV Running Cost Calculator

We took an example of most affordable EV. You can change it by your choice.
We took an example of most affordable Bikes. You can change it by your choice.

Saving Per Month

  • Ev Running Cost

  • ICE Running Cost

*Average {fuelType} price is {price} per litre

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Switch to EV and reduce CO2 emission by an estimated 500 kg/year which is equivalent to planting 10 new trees.

How To Maintain Your EV’s Battery

  • Avoid Exposure To Extreme Temperature

    Lithium-ion batteries are super sensitive to Extreme Temperatures (on either spectrum) as it can have a significant impact on the e-bike’s battery performance and life. In hotter regions, owners must try to park the vehicle in shade.

  • Do Not Fully Charge The Batteries At All Times

    Conventional thinking tells you to keep your electric motorcycle’s battery at 100%. Avoid this practice unless you need to travel far.

  • Avoid Fast Chargers Unless Necessary

    While fast charging offers great convenience when the battery is about to die, doing it frequently will wreak havoc on your batteries.

  • Maintain Optimal Battery State During Ideal State

    It is not recommended to leave the EVs battery at 0 or 100 percent charge for a long period of time as it is more detrimental to the battery than regular partial discharge. In case you are planning to not use the vehicle for long, it is recommended to charge the battery to 80% and then put it into storage.

  • Do Not Drain The Battery To 0%

    Draining your EVs battery to zero will drastically reduce the lithium ion battery’s life. It is recommended to never let the battery’s SOC fall down to 20% to enhance the e-bike’s battery life.

EV Bikes Comparisons

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the electric motorcycle have a STNK?

Electric motorbikes are also required to carry a STNK. According to Article 64, paragraph 1, of Law Number 22 from 2008 on Road Traffic and Transportation the Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK) is a mandatory documentation that must be displayed on all vehicles.

Which are the popular electric motor in Indonesia?

Top 5 popular electric motor in Indonesia are Fox-R, Electric, CG, 2 and CERVO. To checkout the complete list of electric motor, Electric Bikes

Are there any upcoming electric motor in Indonesia?

Yes. There are upcoming electric motor in Indonesia. E Cross, C Evolution, LiveWire, T-Rex and EVO are the upcoming electric motor which are planned to launch soon in Indonesia. To checkout the complete list of all upcoming electric motor, Electric Upcoming Bikes

Is government giving subsidy on electric vehicles?

Yes, the goverment of Indonesia does provide IDR 7 million per unit subsidy on electric motorcycles.

How long does an electric motor last?

An electric motorbike that is maintained properly can last up to 10 years.

Are electric motorbikes more efficient?

Electric motorcycles are currently more expensive than gas-powered counterparts, but they are cost effective in longer run. Electric motorcycles are more environmentally friendly than gasoline-powered ones and emit half as much carbon.

How long it take to recharge on electric motorcycle?

Depending on battery capacity and the ability of the recharging device. Currently, the fastest is 30 minutes. But the producers are committed to develop technologies to trim the recharge time.

Is Indonesia ready to accept electric motorcycle presence?

Sure. It’s getting there. Government Regulation (PP) No 73 year 2019 has been published since October 2019. Automotive producers and related government agencies were given up to 2021 to prepare everything. At that time, the PP 73 came into effect.

What does the tax scheme do?

PPnBM for electric-driven vehicles is 15 percent on the basis of the zero percent imposition tax on the selling price. It complies with government regulation No. 73 of 2019, which will be implemented in 16 October 2021.

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