1000 cc to 2000 cc Cars
Find the price list of 1000 cc to 2000 cc Cars in the Indonesia. There are a total of 177 1000 cc to 2000 cc car models available for sale. Honda Brio, Daihatsu Sigra, Toyota Calya, Daihatsu Ayla and Mitsubishi Xpander are the most popular 1000 cc to 2000 cc car models among Indonesia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Tata Super Ace 2025 priced at Rp 125 Juta and the most expensive one is Land Rover Defender 2025, which retails at Rp 6,399 Milyar. Please select your desired 1000 cc to 2000 cc car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
1000 cc to 2000 cc Cars Price in Indonesia
Model | Price List |
Honda Brio | Rp 197,7 - 273,1 Juta |
Daihatsu Sigra | Rp 169,75 - 214,3 Juta |
Toyota Calya | Rp 191,4 - 214 Juta |
Daihatsu Ayla | Rp 166,8 - 220,2 Juta |
Mitsubishi Xpander | Rp 263,2 - 337,5 Juta |
Toyota Avanza | Rp 261,9 - 298,7 Juta |
Toyota Rush | Rp 306,4 - 331,7 Juta |
Toyota Agya | Rp 188,7 - 276,2 Juta |
Toyota Kijang Innova | Rp 388,6 - 440 Juta |
Daihatsu Terios | Rp 277,95 - 338,55 Juta |
Suzuki Ertiga | Rp 263,8 - 274,9 Juta |
Honda WR-V | Rp 295,1 - 344 Juta |
- 1000 cc to 2000 cc
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177 1000 cc to 2000 cc Cars
Mitsubishi XpanderRp 263,2 - 337,5 Juta OTR Price MedanXpander Price
Toyota Kijang InnovaRp 388,6 - 440 Juta OTR Price MedanKijang Innova Price
Daihatsu TeriosRp 277,95 - 338,55 Juta OTR Price MedanTerios Price
Key Highlights of 1000 cc to 2000 cc Cars
Popular Models Honda Brio, Daihatsu Sigra, Toyota Calya, Daihatsu Ayla, Mitsubishi Xpander Affordable Model Tata Super Ace Expensive Model Land Rover Defender Upcoming Models MG 3, Mitsubishi Xpander Hybrid, CHERY TIGGO 4 PRO, Nissan Note e-Power, DFSK Seres 7 -
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