2011 Toyota Vios (2007-2013) G AT
Merk Mobil : Toyota
Harga mobil (cash) : 119jt
Tipe Mobil : Vios G
Tahun Mobil : 2011
Warna Mobil : Hitam Metalik
Kilometer : 98rb
Informasi Pajak : 05.25
NoPol : B2510KBA
Transmisi : Automatic
Jenis Bahan Bakar : Bensin
2011 Toyota Vios G AT Detail
Registration Year 2011
Make Year 2011
Seats 5 seat
Fuel Type Petrol
Body Type Sedan
KMs Driven 98,000 Km
Ownership First Owner
Transmission Automatic
City Jakarta Pusat
Engine Displacement 1496 CC
OTO Bursa Benefits
Financial Advisory Services
Scheduling Meetings with Sales Representatives
Half-Year Warranty
Details on Vehicle Conditions
Appealing Deals and Promotions
Coupon Offers and Branded Products
- Air Conditioner
- Headlamp Type
- Fabric Upholstery
Comfort & Convenience
- Air Conditioner
- Power Windows Front
- Headlamp Type
Seats & Upholstery
- Fabric Upholstery
- Leather Seats
Comfort & Convenience | Exterior | Seats & Upholstery
- Engine Displacement1496
- Power145
- Seating Capacity5
- Transmission TypeAutomatic
- Fuel Type Petrol
- Engine Displacement 1496
- Power 145
- Torque 142
Dimensions & Capacity
- Kerb Weight 1040 kg
- Length 4285 mm
- Width 1695 mm
- Height 1435 mm
- No Of Doors 4
- Seating Capacity 5
- Transmission Type Automatic
- Gear Box 4-Speed
Engine Details
- Engine 1.5 L
- No Of Cylinders 4
- Valves Per Cylinder 4
- Power Steering Yes
Performance | Dimensions & Capacity | Transmission | Engine Details | Steering
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FAQs on Used Cars in Indonesia
Answers to most common frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Used Cars in Indonesia
How many owner have used Toyota Vios G AT?
The Toyota Vios G AT is a First Owner used car.
How many km the used 2011 Toyota Vios G AT has been driven?
The used 2011 Toyota Vios G AT have driven 98,000 Km as per odometer reading.
What is the Registration Year of used 2011 Toyota Vios G AT?
The registration year of used 2011 Toyota Vios G AT is 2011.
2011 Toyota Vios G AT
- 98,000 Km
- Petrol
- Automatic
- Wishlist
2011 Toyota Vios G AT
Rp 119 Juta