2012 Toyota Land Cruiser (2008-2015) 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift
Toyota Land Cruiser LC VX200 VX 200 UK Version 2012 Nik 2011 AT 4x4 V8 4.5 Diesel CBU LC Upgrade Facelift Black On Beige, PAJAK BULAN 12 (2025), ODOMETER 71RB Miles
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-UNIT 100% BEBAS TABRAK DAN BEBAS BANJIR (garansi uang kembali)
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Spesifikasi :
- V8 Turbo Diesel Engine
- 4x4 AT Transmision
- LED Projector Headlamp
- SRS Airbags
- Air Suspension
- SunRoof
- Memory Electric Leather Seat + Heather
- Cruise Control
- Keyless StartStop Engine
- Audio Steer
- Retrach Mirror
2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift Detail
Registration Year 2012
Make Year 2012
Fuel Type Diesel
Body Type Suv
KMs Driven 71,000 Km
Ownership First Owner
City Jakarta Pusat
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Half-Year Warranty
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2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift Description
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FAQs on Used Cars in Indonesia
Answers to most common frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Used Cars in Indonesia
How many owner have used Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift?
The Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift is a First Owner used car.
How many km the used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift has been driven?
The used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift have driven 71,000 Km as per odometer reading.
What is the Registration Year of used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift?
The registration year of used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift is 2012.
2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift
- 71,000 Km
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2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5L Diesel uk Version Facelift
Rp 920 Juta