2012 Toyota Land Cruiser (2008-2015) 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T
Toyota Land Cruiser
Tahun 2012 ATPM
Tipe VXR
Warna Hitam
Odometer 108 rb KM
Nopol B Ganjil
Pajak 08-2025
Engine V8 turbo diesel
Transmisi automatic 4x4
Leather seat 3 row
AC double blower 4 zone
Headlight Xenon
Vkool kaca filem
Velg 18 inch OEM
Ban baru BF Goodrich 2023
Leather seat
Keyless entry with start button engine
Elektric seat with memory seat
Cool box
JBL sound system
Power back door
Non air suspension
Voice comand
Garansi bebas banjir & laka
Garansi mesin & transmisi
Buku manual & kunci 2 lengkap
2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T Detail
Registration Year 2012
Make Year 2012
Fuel Type Diesel
Body Type Suv
KMs Driven 108,000 Km
Ownership First Owner
City Jakarta Pusat
OTO Bursa Benefits
Financial Advisory Services
Scheduling Meetings with Sales Representatives
Half-Year Warranty
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FAQs on Used Cars in Indonesia
Answers to most common frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Used Cars in Indonesia
How many owner have used Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T?
The Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T is a First Owner used car.
How many km the used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T has been driven?
The used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T have driven 108,000 Km as per odometer reading.
What is the Registration Year of used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T?
The registration year of used 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T is 2012.
2012 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.5 VX R 4X4 DIESEL A/T
- 108,000 Km
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Rp 1,25 Milyar