2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE
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BMW 435i Coupe
Nik 2014
Odo 47.xxx
Bln 3 2023
Estoril Blue on Red
2 Doors
Hp 306 6000 RPM up 450 Hp Stage 2
Fuel Tank 60L
Bodytype Coupe
4 Seats
Engine Model N55B30A
Direct Injection
Turbo Charger
6 Cillinder
All Wheel Drive
8 Gears AT
M performance front lips
M performance ducktail
Airwing rear diffuser
Carbon side mirror caps
Carbon side vents
Eibach Pro kit
Seri M Sport brake caliper
Carbon steering wheel trim
Carbon shift knob and base
M door projector
Alluminium paddle shift extender
Racing wheel track with display alcantara
Smart key android fxx with Icd Display
Digital spidometer retrofit display cluster 3 Mode
Mirroring display
Speedometer Digital 6WB ori PART NUMBER (30jt++)
Steer Racing Display Alcantara (30jt++)
Dashboard speed detector
2.979CC 6 cylinder
450 HP-600 NM
stage 2
Custom flash by Cockpit Auto (Pop n Bang)
Price 915jt
Bursa Mobil Bintaro
Blok A 20
Fast Respon 087783000321 (WA)
2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE Detail
Registration Year 2014
Make Year 2014
Fuel Type Petrol
Body Type Coupe
KMs Driven 47,000 Km
Ownership First Owner
City Lebak
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FAQs on Used Cars in Indonesia
Answers to most common frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Used Cars in Indonesia
How many owner have used BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE?
The BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE is a First Owner used car.
How many km the used 2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE has been driven?
The used 2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE have driven 47,000 Km as per odometer reading.
What is the Registration Year of used 2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE?
The registration year of used 2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE is 2014.
2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE
- 47,000 Km
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2014 BMW 4 Series Coupe 435i M SPORT COUPE
Rp 499,5 Juta